All the news from our Shopping Centre are here. Come in and read!
All the news from our Shopping Centre are here. Come in and read!
Back to School is Here. Some love it, others hate it… But what’s clear is that everyone has to go through...
This year at Miramar Shopping Center, Back to school is for everyone thanks to the “School4all” campaign which we carry...
In our continuum commitment to improving services, at Miramar Shopping Center we have launched our new Gift Card. Now with...
There is still summer to enjoy! Yes, we know that September is just around the corner, and that “back to...
At Miramar Shopping Center we are always looking for ways to make your visit more comfortable and pleasant. That’s why...
Get direct gifts at our information point thanks to Miramar Benefits How can you do it? It’s very easy, take...
You’re still in time to take advantage of the final summer sales of 2024, and now there are even bigger...
We are launching leisure and restaurant plans with huge online discounts compared to the store price! Do you want a...