Theatre In The Clouds and family activities. This summer, We Are Family!

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Theatre In The Clouds and family activities. This summer, We Are Family!
This summer, the youngest at home won’t want to leave Miramar shopping centre. And their parents won’t either! We’ve prepared a complete programme, full of suggestions and fun activities.
On 26 June, we’ll start our Theatre In The Clouds cycle, Miramar’s summer theatre plays for children with a fantastic programme. This year, we have a new activity, called Family activities, a place on our terrace where you can enjoy a wide range of games.
Book your activity!
To attend the Theatre In The Clouds or the Family activities, you have to book your seat in advance. To do so, download the app by Miramar shopping centre, available for free on iOS and Android. There you’ll find a form to book your seat. You can also do it by phone, calling +34 952 198 195 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Now you know, during the weekends, you can enjoy our Theatre In The Clouds, events and many activities for the whole family on our terrace. The youngest at home will also enjoy the best summer of their lives!
Check the Theatre In The Clouds programme here:
26 June: Los Sueños Mágicos de Agrabah (Magical dreams in Agrabah), by Animaciones Amores.
3 July: Canciones para recordar (Songs to remember), by Salva Trasto and Banda Papa Fritas.
10 July: Crazy Jugglar by RodriPresenta.
17 July: Teatro Mágico (Magical Theatre) by Más Animación Servicios Educativos.
24 July: Por el camino de los cuentos (On the Way of Tales), by Mandarina Producciones.
31 July: Cuando llega Mery Cuentos (When Mery Tales arrives) by Producciones Teatruki.
7 August: Diviértete con nuestras fábulas (Have Fun with our Fables) by Animaciones Amores.
14 August: La Historia de las canciones (The Story of Songs) con Salva Trasto.
21 August: Cómo ser un buen ratón (How to be a good mouse) by de Producciones Teatruki.
28 August: La Magia de los Sueños (The Magic of Dreams) by Mago Sanderson.
Check the Family Activities programme here:
Every Sunday!
Water games
Pass the balloon
Be the first one to arrive
Relay race
Slide and explode
Soap bubbles
Traditional games
Bottle caps circuit
Giant game of the goose
The frog game
Modern games
Giant Hands & Feet
Giant Who is Who
Giant Rubik cube
Building blocks games